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Stephanie Taylor |
I love your babies. I have a Black and Silver Toby. He's the main man here in Louisville :cool: . I have had so many compliments on him. I wish now I would have bred him. This is a wonderful breed. When I take Toby out and people see how he acts, and want a dog people have actually reconsidered the breed that they were going to get. Thank you, for showing your dogs online.
June 24, 2007 8:19:59 PM - Louisville, Ky
Marie & Elizabeth Maczko |
We found your site on the internet and really enjoy it. It made us so happy to see schanuzers and reading about the great environment you provide for them. How wonderful to have such a great family of Schnauzers. We had our boy(Toby) for 16 years and miss him dearly! They are such wonderful animals to have. We hope to find another schnauzer to make our family complete real soon.
June 23, 2007 9:11:15 PM - Lakeville, Minnesota
Sheila Spencer |
We have a white schnauzer named Casper, (we call him Capper) and we love him so much. These are a very intelligent breed of dog. Our daughter has his sister Mollie. They are almost 2 years old. You have some very beautiful dogs.
June 20, 2007 7:50:45 PM - Logan, WV
juliana |
![]() June 17, 2007 11:45:34 PM - miami-florida
Roy M. Miller |
Fully approve of your decision to no longer crop or dock. Wonderful environment for your Minis.
June 13, 2007 2:07:37 PM - Pensacola, Florida
Cecilia Digenis |
We have just been lucky enough to welcome our beautiful Greta into our home and are absolutely delighted. She was born on the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer and she is a constant joy and comfort during my treatment. She makes me so positive and I am sure that we are going to enjoy many many happy times getting to know such a beautiful dog and such a smart and affectionate breed. Your web site is full of so much useful information I am very excited to have found it.
June 11, 2007 3:37:54 AM - Melbourne Australia
John Storr |
Your site is the best I have come across. It is very imformative and it has helped me to find the right dog which has been called Paris.
June 06, 2007 6:40:11 AM - New Zealand
Tina Philpott |
I absolutely love your site. I am in it all the time even put it into my favorites. I have just picked out my puppy from a breeder in Ontario and I can't wait to get him. Your site is incredible. Thank you for taking the time to do this. Tina
June 02, 2007 7:46:22 PM - Barrie, Ontario
Rocio Becerril |
Nice site, good to see considerate owner/breeders who look out for the animals'needs.
May 29, 2007 7:14:20 PM - Tijuana, Mexico
Ellie Michael |
Hello, I love your mini Schnauzers! I have one myself, He is 7 months old and he is called Ziggy!
May 28, 2007 9:34:30 PM - Ballarat
Krista |
![]() ![]() ![]() May 28, 2007 5:38:38 PM - Burlington, Ontario
Karen |
Just wish you were in England UK as i'd be looking to buy one of your dogs to go with the one i have. Can't resist having more than one there ace!!!!
May 27, 2007 3:48:06 PM - Cambridgeshire,ENGLAND UK
Jo-Ann Jenkins |
Interested in purchasing a miniature schnauzer. We have owned 3 over the years and are ready to have another one.
May 21, 2007 9:53:40 PM - Nelson British Columbia
![]() May 20, 2007 10:44:24 AM - Miami,FL
Becky Martinez |
Hi, my regards to you I just want to congrat you both, for have a really special breed of dogs. I have a Mini Sscnauzer, is Russell, and I love him, he has 3 months and I'm trying to housetraining him, wish me luck, please. Thank you, sincerely: Becky May 17, 2007 2:57:54 PM - Mexico
Kathleen Jaeger |
What a lovely website!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed browsing your photos of all the lovely schnauzers. My 7 month old salt and pepper would love to meet them all!! Keep up the good work Kathleen Jaeger May 17, 2007 9:10:26 AM - Brighton, England
May 11, 2007 6:23:27 PM - SAN JACINTO CALIFORNIA
Mickie Compton |
I adore your family of wooly wonders. I have purchased my first "Mini" and I swear she is human. She talks. She is white and beautiful. I have a 15 yr old shepard and a 2yr old Rot. But "Phoebe Jo" (mini)rules the roost! She grooms the"Old Man" Shepard and loves "Ozzie" the Rot. Im a bit confused on the issue of White Minis and AKC but who cares. I am interested in breeding Phoebe. She has had 1 "heat". Can you shed some light on this for me. I love the care and concern you have for your family and i want to do it right. We live in the beautiful town of Ruidoso New Mexic USA. I can send some photos if you like.
May 04, 2007 9:20:07 AM - Ruidoso, New Mexico 88220
meagan |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() May 03, 2007 2:01:57 PM - washington
marty |
i just got 2 boys from a puppy mill and i love them so much i am thinkful their ears were not cropped their names are chip and dale and they are a part of my heart now and for ever i lost my poodle to the dog food so i wanted something to fill the whole and saw the boys on line the best thing i ever did would love your opinion of them May 02, 2007 2:12:30 AM - missouri
Janet Martin |
Proud owner of Tasha (moustasha) our 8 month old mini schnauzer
April 30, 2007 9:40:40 AM - Perth Western Australia
Terry & Carol Barfuss |
Thanks for the section on grooming - we're thinking of trimming our baby, Ace ourselves and didn't know where to start. April 21, 2007 3:19:56 PM - San Leandro, California
Todd J. Chafin |
Thanks for the trimming site,you guys are the best.
April 19, 2007 10:21:48 AM - West Virginia
Clif |
Enjoyed your website very much. I have wanted a Mini since I was a child and have just in the last month (at age 35) been adopted by a wonderful black female Mini. Her name is Macee and she has quickly become Daddy's litte girl! Although her tail was already docked, I refuse to crop her ears. My hat is off to your new policy to not dock or crop! As it will be just she and I my plans are to spoil her rotten!
April 19, 2007 8:21:01 AM - Knoxville, TN, USA
Marie Johansson |
Hi! You have a nice website! Just trying to send you some pictures of my "Yuki". So you'll be hearing from me soon. Take care care! Hugs! Marie April 18, 2007 4:06:56 PM - Sweden
Rhonda |
Where's Whysper??? I thought she was your most beautiful schnauzer. I loved her rare, silvery look. Your dogs look so well taken care of. My neighbour has a black male from one of your litters three years ago.
Webmaster Comments: We have just added her to our retired dogs page. April 14, 2007 12:57:18 PM -
Catherine Hughes |
I originally found your webpage just looking for grooming tips for my schnauzer "Ernie". I have had him for 4 years now and i don't think I would ever have another breed. I always had Labs when my boys were home, but now, as I get older I found the perfect dog. He has the disposition of a Lab, but in a small compact SHED FREE body. I really enjoy my mini and I loved looking at your pictures. Your dogs are adorable. Thanks for sharing.
April 13, 2007 1:02:44 PM - Ellwood City, Pennsylvania
Sandra Fraser-Ryan |
I love your site. I have 2 Mini Schnauzers that I adopted when they were 5 and 6 years old and now they are 9 and 10. They bring me a lot of joy and love. I clip them myself and was quite interested in your grooming techniques. Thankyou. Very well done.
April 02, 2007 8:45:20 AM - Stratford, PEI
Doug and Gail MacLennan |
We are proud to say that we have been adopted by an Ykelenstam puppy. Oscar was born Dec 7, 2006. He is a very sociable little guy and has made our home come alive. He is always ready for a new adventure and loves to cuddle. What can we say-we just love him! ![]() April 02, 2007 7:51:47 AM - Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia
Loryl Russell |
We love our Miniature Schnauzers very much but are sad to be watching our almost 14-year old decline. She has a lung tumour, some ascites, and recently had a crisis with an immune mediated disorder which was likely a reaction to her tumour. Our younger mini is lovely and we had the good fortune to have the choice to leave her tail intact. Her tail is such a great indicator of her quirky personality and we love to watch her wag her enthusiasm. Neither of our dogs has docked ears and that any breeder would insist on inflicting this kind of barbaric ritual on a dog hurts me to consider. I loved your article and wish that you were a little closer to BC! April 01, 2007 2:50:44 PM - Vancouver
JoAnn |
Enjoying your website! It is informative and fun to view the pictures. We are new owners of a miniature schnauzer. We are trying to learn about them.
March 30, 2007 10:25:11 PM - El Paso, Texas
Rhonda Bowlan |
I am so happy to have found and met you. I anxiously await the arrival of new pups!
March 27, 2007 1:20:29 PM - Stratford,PEI
Sophie Arseneau |
Your webpage is great and has a lot of very useful information. You truly project the love and caring you have for this breed and your dogs through the pictures and stories you have posted, and after visiting you and meeting all your wonderful dogs, we know that we have definitely come to the right breeders. We are very excited to add a miniature schnauzer to our family. Thank you!
March 25, 2007 11:55:09 PM - Moncton, NB
Liz Scott |
Hello: I just wanted to say how wonderful your website is. We are getting a Mini Schnauzer (who was just born a week ago). We are very excited and it has been so wonderful to actually see pictures of what the puppies will look like at certain ages and to be able to read up on all the information about this breed. I have definitely booked this as a favourite site to visit. Thank you! March 24, 2007 1:41:44 PM - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Sarah |
I love love love your website! I have it saved in my favourites. I'm planning on adding a mini schnauzer to our family within the year. I keep looking at your site to get my fix! I am so sorry about Moxie, how tragic. Amazing how you saved her puppies and they grew into wonderful dogs. March 19, 2007 2:42:04 PM - Ontario
Cassandra |
Hi! Me again. Schnauzers are so cute! They are my faveourite breed of dog by far! Great site. March 19, 2007 1:37:45 PM -
Mandie |
I live in the UK and have a mini Pepper & Salt and a mini Black & Silver. I would love a white mini but in the UK there are very few available without a huge price tag attached. Your dogs are all gorgeous and they look loved just like my two boys! March 13, 2007 12:13:48 PM - Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Ness |
This site is wonderful. I visit it often even though I am in North Carolina, USA. My min. schnauzer pup is due to be born next week. I am counting down the weeks until his/her arrival home. Just wanted to say this site is great! ![]() March 10, 2007 8:43:20 PM - North Carolina
Wynne |
Your Schnauz are soooo cute!~ I'm planning to get one though March 08, 2007 4:35:26 AM - Singapore
Don |
My girlfriend has a fixation on Mini Schnausers since her brother has one, and loves "Sammi". Curiosity and Yahoo Search led me to your site, and am totally impressed with all the information and especially the pictures of your extended family. We are both retired and am seriously thinking now of getting a "kid" of our own. The only thing I did not find in your site are the pros and cons of male vs. female pups. Keep up the wonderful work.And Thank You very much. Don March 07, 2007 10:06:30 AM -
Judy K. Nelson |
![]() Thanks again, Judy March 05, 2007 11:23:26 AM - Beckley, West Virginia
Elisabeth Wahlström |
![]() March 03, 2007 2:57:00 AM - Sweden
Kim Barrow |
We recently welcomed a beautiful female Mini Schnauzer to our family and fell in love with your website, the photos and all the helpful info. Thanks
March 02, 2007 2:00:15 AM - Caldwell, Idaho
Cassandra |
![]() ![]() March 01, 2007 12:52:02 PM -
alexandra pama |
hi there ,i have a 5 month old black and silver male mini,called Camilo,he is now ruling the roost in my household ,he has a huge personality for a little dog and has taken over our lives including my cats-his kennel name is Saskatoo -"Born to be Wild" -which is very accurate-he has the energy of a 24 hr battery!!!!We love him to bits !!!
March 01, 2007 6:01:08 AM - Cape Town ,South Africa
snoopy |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() February 28, 2007 6:11:30 PM - winnipeg
shelley and kevin mckay |
loved the web site and the pics. these little dogs are soo cute and we cant wait to get ours in mid may. from regina .we are in moose jaw sk. thanks so much for all the info and youa re so right these little guys need to be a part of a family.
February 27, 2007 9:56:00 PM - moose jaw ,saskatchewan
Janine |
Thanks so much for the wonderfully illustrated grooming technique.It is the clearest I've found.Our family is blessed with 2 minis and I hope to teach myself to groom them at home.Love your site.
February 24, 2007 10:59:57 AM - Illinois
jessica&yadeli |
i have a dog like that named cowboy &pulga ![]() February 23, 2007 12:44:32 PM - tx
Jeanel |
Great website and well maintained! We own two S&P schnauzers, Ginger is the girl and Snaps the boy. They are wonderful companions and enjoy many privileges of indoor living. Right now both are snoozing on the couch!
February 18, 2007 5:45:09 PM - Cary, North Carolina
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