Barry and Diane's Mini Schnauzer Guestbook

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DeNece Beckman
My husband and I currently are "owned and adored by" (and the sentiment is mutual) a wonderful little girl Mini Schnauzer that we named Neahleyna. we just call her Neah. She is by far, THE BEST and MOST LOVING dog that we have EVER owned! We will NEVER have another breed. I love your site, and have bookmarked it for future reference, whether for referral or if we choose to get another down the road. Thank you for all of the helpful info. After reading your site, and following your step-by-step instructions, I can proudly say that I, myself, just groomed and clipped Neah. and she looks FABULOUS (My husband says I need to change professions!)
April 03, 2009 10:42:28 PM - Gig Harbor, Washington State, USA

Sharon Tucker
Greetings from White Stone, Virginia,
I have so enjoyed reading and studying your website.
I found it very informative as we are looking for new mini. We have been blessed with two now both waiting at Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you for being responsible mini schnauzer breeders.
Sharon Tucker
March 28, 2009 5:26:36 PM - White Stone, Va. USA

Jan Fenton
I am sitting here looking at your site for the first time with my little 3year old Schnauzer Barkley sleeping on my lap. I am so impressed with your ideas breeding and raising these special dogs. Barkley has been raised as one of the family since we brought him home. We visited and held him since his birth at the breeders' and the bond with him is undescribable. You are to be congradulated for all of your efforts with this most wonderful breed of dog. I am looking to add a friend to Barkley's life and would love to be considered for one of your litters. Have a great day and again, Barkley and I thank you for all that you are contributing to this breed.
March 24, 2009 9:13:43 AM - Sudbury Ontario

Pat Molyneux
Hope to find out a lot of useful information via your site to help us look after our new miniature schnauzer pup.
March 19, 2009 8:26:03 AM - Cumbria England

Shelley Parkman
Fantastic job on your website.
March 15, 2009 12:40:18 PM - Winsloe, PEI

Your puppies a beautiful, nice to you do not tramatize these little beauties.
We have a white boy 12wks old, he was added to our family 3 wks ago " Oscar", as we had to put our 6 yr old boy to sleep due to pancreatis and diabetic. it was a shock, for him to get so sick so fast. We also have a girl"Suzie".
March 15, 2009 10:16:25 AM - Sherwood Park Alberta

Lainey Drane
Enjoyed looking at all the pictures of your crews! We have two boys, Cisco - who is white and our newest, Pancho who is salt and pepper. I owned minis in the past , but lost them in an ugly divorce - it like to have killed me, but all things happen for a reason and I have been led to the ones I have now and couldn't love them more if I tried! Your site is very informative and I salute you for taking the step to leave your pups natural - I wish more people would do so. Keep up the good work. Cisco and Pancho say, "Roo roo roo!"
March 14, 2009 3:30:56 PM - Marietta, Ga.

Renee Godmer
Your site is well-designed and very informative. Your dogs are lovely. I am particularly fond of the Black and Silver. I have lived for 13 years with a Standard Schnauzer who has just been diagnosed with cancer. I do not know if it is a good idea to get a puppy at this time or wait until she has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but I know I will have another dog.
March 13, 2009 2:38:22 PM - Ottawa, Ont.

i have my own mini schnauzer his name is hamilton
March 10, 2009 1:32:58 PM - florida

Julia Wood
I enjoyed visiting your website. I appreciate what you are doing for this special breed. I have a 2y.o. s/p male mini, "Gimli", who is my darling! I am sad to say he came to me with a docked tail, but he has natural ears. I agrre with your philosophy. Keep up the good work! The next time I consider adopting another mini, I will definitely consider your kennel.
March 06, 2009 10:29:45 AM - Louisville, KY, USA

Susan &Jim Mullin
We just lost our 'Darby'unexpectedly. She was with us for 11 years. It is like losing a child. We did everything with her, camping,etc. When the time comes to fill that void, it will be without a doubt another mini schnauzer.
March 04, 2009 5:45:54 PM - Feversham, On, Can

Judy Hash
Love, love, love my mini, Maisey. She is 8 years old and she's my baby, my girlfriend, my companion, my security. Just noodling around the internet and found your site to explore.
March 03, 2009 10:19:37 AM - Millsboro, Delaware

Ken Pflueger
I love Schnauzers, recently lost my beloved companion, she was my devoted friend for 12 wonderful years. Your website is great, loaded with great information! Your minis are absolutely gorgeous!
February 25, 2009 1:43:01 PM - Simi Valley, California USA

The Ferguson Family
We LOVE tails. We are a Scottish family currently living in Texas and are unable to find any breeders who do not cut the puppies tails. They think that we are strange wanting a puppy with a beautiful, natural tail!

Thank you for being champions for natural tail and ears.
February 24, 2009 1:02:45 PM - Scotland

Wow, I have never seen a natural tail on a schnauzer before. I love it, and agree that is more humane to leave it natural. I hope more people realize the real beauty of the natural tail, than having them needlessly snipped off. Being from the United Sates it is very rare to see and hope that the A.K.C. wakes up and changes their breed standard policy for all dogs with docked tails.
February 19, 2009 9:11:16 PM - NC USA

Samuel Embry
Great Dogs!!
February 15, 2009 10:09:40 PM - Kemp,TX

:( I also had a littele miniature Schnauzer
February 13, 2009 10:58:54 PM - Indonesia ,South Borneo

I was surfing the web looking for Schnauzers and found your web site. I have 2 Schnauzers Lucy 8 and Carly 2 they are the love of my life. They are so good so smart just woderful members of my family. They give so much more than I can ever give them. I was first surprized that the tails were not docked but after reading, I certainly agree. I am glad you care so much, Thank You
February 13, 2009 1:39:43 PM - Maryland

Charis Benge
Our mini, Boomer, was given to us from a 'home breeder'. As such, I was able to ask that nothing be done to him, other than his shots of course. Six years later, his tail has never been damaged, and people question his 'schnauzerhood' constantly! It seems that no one has ever seen a shcnauzer with a tail! I applaud you for moving away from a useless and painful practice!!
February 12, 2009 4:39:43 AM - Portland, OR.

I have really enjoyed reading your pages and looking at your pictures. you have lots of great information. i have a silver mini that is 3 years old. he is a very important part of our family. :P
February 08, 2009 8:35:26 PM - Helena, MT

Cathie Walsh

We have miniature schnauzer named Ted. He is currently 13 and will be 14 in May.

We are thinking about getting another mini Schnauzer pup in the spring or summer. Ted is the best dog. He is truly all things a Schnauzer is written about. He was diagnosed with a heart problem at one and he did very well with this troughout his life. He would have required a pacemaker but happily that was not the case. In the last year and a half, Ted is experiencing incontinence due to bladder stones. An attempt at surgery was not possible due to his heart. We have grown to live with the occasional accident on the floor.

Ted is a very social dog. He really loves other dogs and so many say how Ted is the only dog that their dog gets along with. Ted is really an amazing guy.

I have two children who are 8 and 11. They are quite responsible and they love Ted enormously. He feels the same about them though Ted was not great with children until my oldest was born. He took his place in the pack and the rest is history.

I am not sure whether I should get a puppy at this point in Ted's life. I have a small home with yard not fenced. I walk Ted everyday at least a half and hour regardless of weather. He really loves to walk. We have kept each other healthy over the years.

Would you have any advice on getting a puppy given the fact that Ted has been the only dog here for so long.

Thanks for your time
February 08, 2009 12:58:35 PM - Halifax NS

We just lost our Buster to cancer almost a week ago. He was 10 years old. You pictures brightened my family up. We are looking for another mini schnauzer. Although he won't replace Buster, I am sure he will have his own stories.
February 07, 2009 12:07:20 PM - Little Rock, Arkansas

Rose Howell
Our Jasper looks very similar to your Remi. I found your site when I was looking at what clippers to buy. Our groomer has sold up and the new people are not very good. So as I am an ex hairdresser I thought I would have a try. Your site is very informative and I love the photos. Jasper is very much part of our family. We used to have big dogs but I was tired of all the shedding of fur. After having Jasper who is aged 4 I wouldn't have anything else. :(
February 06, 2009 5:10:48 AM - Adelaide, South Australia

huh Hello! I am an 11-year-old girl who wants some information on breeding. (And I've already had the talk) My friend wants to breed her mini schnauzer, which is almost 2. Is that too young to breed a dog? They already have a stud for her, and it's white. But I don't feel colour is a very important factor in breeding. So is it too young to breed??? unsure
February 01, 2009 9:57:28 PM - Canada

claire finney-jones
thankyou so much for the grooming page i have just recued a snauzer crossed collie he was a terrible scruffy mess didnt get clippers yet followed your pics and he looks much better didnt do him too close yet but when i get clippers i can poor love was found in an alley so pretty matted mess. to start he pranced about but then settled lovely its his first night and he's wonderful
January 28, 2009 4:06:27 PM - preston uk

Hi my name is Amber I'm from Soledad,CA.I have a Mini Schnauzer her name is Zoe she is 3 I love her so much I can't do anything without her following me around everywhere.I found you by just serching on how to groom a Mini Schnauzer.I loved looking at all the puppys so cute.
January 23, 2009 3:37:16 PM -

Kim Kavanaugh
My Daughter adopted a puppy of yours last week. "TEDDY" He is blending in with our family beautifully. We love him dearly!! Thank you so much.
January 22, 2009 4:05:00 PM - River Ryan,Cape Breton

Julia Evans
It is just fantastic to see you family and the wonderful out doors
The grooming tips are a tremendous help many thanks from our miniature schnauzers Flash age 4 and Milo 18mths x
January 22, 2009 1:52:20 AM - Liverpool England

Sarah Bye
This is a wonderful site :thumb . I had a mini schnauzer, named Keechia, for 9 years. Unfortunatley, she developed cancer, and we had to put her down in 2003 :sad: . I would love to have another schnauzer, as they are an amazing breed. Very affectionate and active.
January 16, 2009 12:57:46 PM - Owen Sound, ON

Debbie Carpenter
I love your web site. You have wonderful information. I respect so much you not cropping ears. I have 2 Mini Schnauzer's and did not have their ears cropped. Thanks for putting together such a great wedsite with logical information.
January 05, 2009 12:58:40 PM - Eupora, Ms

Hello! I am from El Salvador Central America, and we have a male Schnauzer named Rocky, He is 2 years old, and we adopted him a year ago, from a house where they didnt want him. Since then, he has been a great addition for our family. He is energetic, we have to walk him twice a day. We love him and He sure loves us. Schnauzers are great dogs!!!!

Take care.
January 05, 2009 12:23:06 PM - El Salvador Central America

Pat Williams
Cool site.
January 05, 2009 12:46:49 AM - USA

Kim C
I have enjoyed your site and keep it in my favorite book because it has helped me with questions and concerns I had. We just got CocoKisses 1 1/2 weeks ago and she is 8 weeks old. Housetraing is going well because we pay attention to her. Crate training has gone well also. My five year old has no qualms about taking her outside either, which helps. This puppy is the center of the family right now and is so loved. Our indoor cat, Bubba, loves her too and gives "baths". Coco was the best Christmas gift for Bubba.
December 30, 2008 9:19:32 PM - Martinsville, VA

Carman & Joan Locke
we have 2 black and silvers 5 &3, female and male. enjoy your pix
December 29, 2008 10:37:14 PM - South Porcupine, Ontario

Lani McLaughlin
Thank you for the valuable information on the breed. My daughter has been researching miniature schnauzers for the past year and has become very knowledgeable. She is doing everything that we ask in order for her to receive a new puppy, this would be her first. We are taking every step we can to prepare not only her but ourselves as well before making the purchase and your website is a great tool. I truly appreciated your emphasis on the time necessary to take care of a new puppy. Both myself and my daughter enjoyed viewing the photos of all your family members. Thank you
December 28, 2008 10:21:30 PM - California, USA

Karen Beavers
I am having so much fun reading about the mini schnauzer. We just picked up our new puppy on 12/20/08 and are having fun being snuggled by her. We are still in the process of looking at names and picking a name that grandchildren can pronounce easily and still portray her personality. Thanks for sharing your info and thoughts on these cute little dogs.
December 21, 2008 4:48:18 PM - Lawton, OK USA

I love your web page! The pictures are so cute of your little babies! I am going to put your website in my favorites. I am looking for two little ones when I move into my first place.
December 18, 2008 11:31:54 PM - USA-California

Joshua Baker
I just wanted to say I enjoyed looking through your website. Your dogs are so cute and precious, and I even cried when I read about Moxie. I have 6 miniature schnauzers. Pepper, Piper, Paige, Phoebe, Penelope, and Cohl. Pepper is my partners dog before we met and she is almost 10, Piper-Paige-Phoebe are sisters from a litter we bought in 2006 and one funny thing is that we were only going to get one but couldn't resist taking the other two sisters and the other funny thing is that they were born Feb. 16th, the same day as Pepper but 7 years earlier. Penelope is from Paige's first litter. Cohl is the only male and daddy of Penelope. I just thought I would share a little about me and my babies.
December 17, 2008 12:32:34 PM - Nashville, TN

Natlie Sumler
I had 2 mini's and just love them to peices. They are fabulous members of my family. Unfortunatly I had to put my male (smurfy - 12 yrs.) down last spring, as he had liver failure. I didn't think I could ever consider getting another dog, but looking at these pictuer makes me realize Muffin (12yrs.) also needs a friend.
December 14, 2008 9:19:18 AM - Fenelon Falls, Ontario

Was woundering if you have a favourite brand and size for a crate for a M.Schnauzer.

I have a 8-weeks old male pup and would like to get a crate for the car, one that he will grow into so I dont have to upgrade.

December 09, 2008 2:28:03 AM - BC

Dulce and Pedro
we love your website it has helped us very much. we have one question as for many to come, at what age would it be appropreate to groom our new puppy?
December 08, 2008 4:42:14 PM -

I love your website! I am interesting in trying to groom my Sophie, and your grooming page is so well written, and the included pictures are great! I will definately be using your advice and grooming tips! I also couldn't help but sneak a peek at the puppy page. The most recent litter. OMGosh they are SOOO cute!! All B/S. how do you tell them apart!?

Thanks for a GREAT website!
November 24, 2008 1:16:32 AM - Illinois

Nancy Wilson
We have a 12 year old Mini who runs the house. When I was teaching, he learned that three o'clock was ball playing time. Now that we're retired, he has stopped asking for play time at three and has been moving it earlier and earlier every day. He also steals our two year old granddaughter's ball when she plays.
November 23, 2008 9:38:22 AM - Upstate New York

chastity taylor
Hi! I reside here in Georgia with my husband and our two adorable schnauzers, Izzy(2yrs) and Maxwell(8yrs). You have adorable pups!! They are the best dogs ever and I can tell you take really good care of them. My father may be moving to Canada, so when we are looking to get another schnauzer we will get in touch! Have a blessed day and tell all those lovely babies I said hello!
November 17, 2008 1:16:42 PM - georgia

Dee Meland
I am so happy to hear that you do not dock a dogs tail. We loved that fact that our first mini had natural ears. We had no choice offered when it came to her tail. I am excited at the thought of having a mini again.
November 09, 2008 1:29:10 PM - Originally from near Niagara Falls, NY but now liv

Elly Groome
Have just become a mini schnauzer owner, and know I made the right decision. Sally is so beautiful and has such a lovely nature (I love her to bits), she is 5 months old.
I was checking your site to see how one should groom the tail as her tail has not been docked. Thanks to your valuable info, I now know how the tail should look. Many thanks, Regards
November 03, 2008 6:57:30 AM - South Africa

I just bought 2 little girls out of Ykelansam´s Polly Rey Prag :) So just wanted to say hi and take a look at your dogs :)
Marta and the gang in Sweden
October 21, 2008 6:33:02 AM - Sweden

We recently adopted a white Mini Schnauzer and he is the love of our life!

Your site is a great help to us. "Scruffy" is our first puppy in our family!
October 18, 2008 11:20:56 AM - PA

LaVerne Russo
Adorable dogs. I am so hoping that in a few years I will be able to own one of those lovable creatures. As you say, they are family. I truely belive that. My boyfriend has a salt and pepper female, she is the most precious and loving animal I have ever been around.
October 13, 2008 11:37:55 AM - St Louis Missouri USA

We are so happy to see a breeder refusing to dock tails. Cheers to you - hopefully others will take note and this will become the norm.
October 04, 2008 5:36:03 PM - Louisville, KY

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 Home Our Girls Our Boys Pups available Foster Program Puppy pictures Photo gallery Adopted pups Breed Information.. History, FCI standard, Temperament, Health issues, Dewclaws, Tail docking, Ear cropping Nutrition information for the miniature schnauzer Grooming House training.. General training, Training for working owners. Training.. Clicker training, Bite inhibition, Electronic/Shock collars, Positive training, Barking, Chewing, Training class disasters! Socialization.. Children and puppies.. Toys Accomplishments.. Conformation, Agility, and Therapy dogs Retireddogs Rescueddogs Safety.. Pick-up trucks, Invisible fencing, Beach days, Life saving tips. Links Rainbow bridge.. Poems and tributes

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