Barry and Diane's Mini Schnauzer Guestbook

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I just wanted to thank you for your page on schnauzer grooming. I used it as a guide while giving my own dog, Ogie, a haircut for the incoming summer weather.

I usually get him into the groomers once a year and do some small touch ups when he gets a little too scruffy, but he just recently developed cataracts. Add in moving to another town and he obviously is a little anxious with new people and places right now. This grooming guide helped me a lot and I feel relieved I could do everything for him at home. :)

So, thank you Barry and Diane.
May 03, 2013 1:00:01 AM - Indiana, USA

Thomas Adamson
I own a female schnauzer and am looking to breed. Wasn't thinking of shipping Abigale would prefer a referral. I am located a half hour south of Hamilton Ontario.
April 30, 2013 7:39:14 PM - Hamilton Ontario

great site! :(
April 16, 2013 11:33:25 PM - canada

Dawn Hill
Really enjoy your site! Thank you!
We had a wonderful mini Schnauzer for 15 years. She was truly part of our family & we miss her!
Sending our greetings to you from Victoria, B.C.! The April spring rain is falling here today & flowers are blooming.
April 13, 2013 8:44:02 PM -

Jason Morgan
my family is an search for a salt and pepper male miniature schnauzer they are the most adorable dog ever
March 18, 2013 12:47:12 PM - Newfoundland

kerry moore
Wondering where you live .I live in Cornwall, PEI and would like to come see the dogs sometime .
February 22, 2013 9:27:58 AM - 4 Sobey Dr , Cornwall

Kelly Tanner
Can hardly wait to see and love our little Joey. Going to Charlottetown to get him on Sunday and bring him to his new home. January the 3rd, 2013.
It has been a great experience already. We started bonding with all the pics we can see on the website and Diane answers all of our questions quickly and with great knowledge.
Can't wait, 3 more sleeps.
Love Kelly and Sean Tanner.
January 30, 2013 8:17:59 PM -

Wayne Broughm
Pups are sooo cute . like chubby little baby seals :( !!!
January 18, 2013 12:21:38 PM - Nova Scotia

Susan Blair
I found your site through a search on what homemade food to feed my mini-schnauzers. My 3 yr. old female recently had a bladder stone removed. The Royal Canine and Hill's food the vet recommends for urinary health is made of animal by-products and lots of corn, so I refuse to feed that to my two minis. I am searching for what to do. Zoey already had vomitting and diahrrea, when we started feeding her the Royal Canine, because of the high fat content and corn. I want to do whatever I can to prevent further stones from forming in either of my dogs. The Vet is not in favor of my preparing foods for them. I was hoping to provide a balanced diet and supplement with a multivitamin, with Vitamin C (to help make the urine acid), fish oil and the vet put Zoey on prescription probiotic powder made by Purina, since her bowels are loose, after being on anitbiotics for 2 1/2 weeks.
January 12, 2013 4:34:28 PM -

Matt G.
Hi there, my wife and I currently have a 2 year old Boston Terrier named Kenny! He gets along really well with a Mini Schnauzer at our local off-leash dog park. We are looking to maybe get him a new friend, to keep him company, as he has a lot of energy, and needs another doggy around to keep him busy. We may be looking you up in the near future. Thanks
January 11, 2013 2:21:34 AM - Sydney, Nova Scotia

Sonja Gates
I love Mini Schnauzers.
January 05, 2013 9:52:17 PM - Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Wayne A. Broughm

Looking for a Toy size Schnauzer that maybe has some minor flaw!

I don't think I could pay full price and would dearly love to have one of these little guys.

So if you have one that doesn't quite make the grade that I could take off your hands at less cost, I would greatly appreciate it!


Wayne :(
December 21, 2012 1:53:32 PM - Nova Scotia

Suzen Greene
I have a beautiful grey girl with one cute white paw . We got her at ten months old after already having a litter, awful. She is lying next to me as I write. In two short years she has taken over the household. Stubborn, sweet, hates squirrels!! Loved reading your page and seeing all your beautiful girls and boys.
December 10, 2012 11:39:32 PM - New York

Margaret Callen
A Schnauzer Addict who is desperately seeking a reputable breeder that focuses on health.
November 30, 2012 1:08:46 PM - Germantown, Wisconsin

marion catchpole
looking for friend for our homefemale good with children
November 18, 2012 11:28:02 PM - huntsville on

Paul S
I think your site is great!! It consolidates a lot of information that I had to dig through tons of books to find.

A suggestion for your shock collar page. I'm also against ever using electric shock for training small animals; We know that it doesn't work to get cooperation from humans; why would anyone suppose it would work better on dogs?

Anyway, I recently saw a remote collar at a Goodwill store for $3, and noticed that it had one sets of buttons for shock and a second for audio tone. The collar itself was worth $3 so I bought it, removed the electrodes from the receiver, and disabled the shock buttons on the controller. It now can be used either as a substitute for a clicker OR as a cue at distances up to several hundred feet (wouldn't suggest doing both with any one dog). I've since seen tone-only collars, both anti-bark and remote.
September 20, 2012 10:56:44 AM - Chicago, Illinois, USA

My husband and I have a silver miniature schnauzer name Liesl. She is such a sweetheart! She will be 3 this October, we have had her since she was all black and 9 weeks old. She is my "happy-happy, joy-joy". I live with clinical depression and she has made a huge difference in my day! We had a miniature schnauzer when we were first married (34 years ago!) named Bella. The kids (3) grew up with her as their constant companion. We think that miniature schnauzers are absolutlely the BEST!!!
September 14, 2012 12:36:59 PM - Vermont, USA

Peppi is my 2nd salt and pepper, mini schnauzer 3 1/2 yo with a nice tail. Needless to say I spoil her rotten. I stumbled on to your website after researching hyperlipidemia. Your food info is invaluable. I currently feed Peppi a mix of home made raw and dry but after reading your info I might try Eagle Pack tin into the mix. Keeping a lid on her weight is always a challenge.
Thanks again for the great info. If I lived in Canada I would get my next mini from you. thanks from "Down Under"
August 20, 2012 4:54:51 PM - South Australia

Constance Bridge
Dear Diane,
I have been adoptingn rescued Mini's for several years but have never been able to adopt a black and silver one. Dogs with these markings are rarely seen in rescue and when they are they seem to always stay with their foster parents! Perhaps some day if I REALLY want a black and silver I'll have to contact you. Regards, Constance Bridge
August 19, 2012 12:18:00 PM - Ypsilanti, MI

Peter @ Sabina Pijet
You have a wonderful web site which is very helpful!! We are proud owners of a new, one year old miniature schnauzer! We just love him and immensely enjoy him! AMAZING DOGS INDEED!!
August 14, 2012 11:05:52 PM - Kitchener, Ontario

Ted Levy
You have a very special and wonderful website with a beautiful message!
July 27, 2012 4:24:30 PM - Jupiter, Florida

Lynn Gauthier
Beautiful dogs. I like the idea of keeping their tails. Also not cropping their ears. I had only one dog that has cropped ears.
July 24, 2012 11:36:05 AM - Orleans (Ottawa) Ontario

Karin Warren - Minden, Ontario
Just found your terrific site today. It is a joy to read!
July 23, 2012 10:55:48 AM -

Jackie Weston
I just found your site. Thank you for so much information in one place!
July 19, 2012 11:35:17 AM - Warren, OH, USA

Dr. Menen
I just came across your website and I have to tell you that I think it's wonderful!! I am the "Mom" of one beautiful and intelligent mini schnauzer that has been the most wonderful addition to our home! I just wanted you to know that there is one more appreciative reader of your information on your website!
Dr. Menen
July 15, 2012 11:27:03 PM - Oakville, Ontario

Jil crislip
Thank you for your grooming tips, left me feeling as if I could actually do this.

I also enjoyed all the beautiful pictures of your dogs.

I can't hardly imagine that there would be a Schnauzer that would need rescued but thankfully there are wonderful people who come to their aid.
May 30, 2012 7:08:49 PM - Lebanon,Ohio

Tara Steeves
My family and I are huge dog lovers. We currently have a border collie. We have been
researching breeds as our last dog was a rescue and we are thinking a schnauzer may be a #1 love so far.
Could you tell me a little bit more about this breed? My computer wouldn't let your links load.
Thank you
May 12, 2012 8:17:23 PM - Riverview, New Brunswick

Holly Radestam
How wonderful to find your page. Was looking to find tips on hair cutting for my mini, Max. I have been doing everything just right by you. Just keeping myself updated. Your page was extremely easy to follow and visuals always help. It sounds like you have a wonderful and full family life. We only have Max and would like to find a female companion for him. Absolutely love this breed. No shedding is what sold me in the first place and I fell sooo in love with our Max. He is our everything. Thanks again for having a great page!!
May 10, 2012 9:25:07 PM - Aloha, Oregon

Lori Webb
I love my minature schnauzer,she was 7 when i rescued her 6 years ago, she has brought me so much joy. sadly I feel she won't be with us much longer and it breaks my heart. I have followed your website for quite some time, and when i retire in the next couple of years i will make the trip (my first to PEI) to see your wonderful dogs.and to hopefully bring one home.
April 06, 2012 4:02:12 PM - Caledonia, ON

Debra Domi Alexander
We love your website and you have so many precious adorable family members! Excellent and very helplful information and awesome photos! :-) We have our two boys from the same litter, Max and Mochi (named by their breeders, who had both mom (Dixie who was white) and dad (Dallas who was salt & pepper) in their home locally). Mochi (white) is firstborn and Max (salt & pepper) is thirdborn. They are amazing family members! Their tails were docked when we got them but, their ears are not cropped. They are such sweet boys and we love them so much! Thanks so very much for all y'all do and for sharing with all of us too!!! :-)
April 02, 2012 8:03:46 PM - State of South Carolina in the United States

Lia Hogan
I am the happy owner of a Mini Schnauzer complete with natural tail and ears!I commend you for your commitment to stop the practice of routinely docking tails and clipping ears. I wish this were more commonly practiced in the US, but I'm afraid we are way behind the times in this aspect :(
Thank you!
March 18, 2012 3:59:02 PM - Brooklyn NY USA

Emily Williams
Great site and looks like the type of place I will be interested in for my next mini-schnauzer. I like the idea that they are all in your home and not outside in cages. Very nice! :)
March 17, 2012 12:56:38 PM - Evansville, Indiana USA

Melissa Hinson
Im so thank ful for a mini schnuazer-specific websight. You have great info on here! I love this breed! They are so amazing!!
March 16, 2012 11:04:03 AM - lancaster SC

Loved your site, very informative. Beautiful puppies!
March 14, 2012 10:21:43 PM - Dartmouth, NS

Ur dogs are soooo beautiful!! i was browsing the internet looking at different hair cut for my mini schnauzer and came across ur page. love the pics of all the cuties!
March 10, 2012 11:17:28 AM - Arkansas, united States

Linda Brooks
Beautiful dogs. I am going to try grooming my own Maggie and will use your pages to get the supplies and information I need. Thank you so much.
March 07, 2012 7:31:41 AM - North Bay, ON

maxine mackenna
Where on P.E.I do you live? We are interested in another schnauzer for our little Pepper.We are in Summerside.
March 02, 2012 1:23:27 PM -

Linda Arseneau
So enjoyed looking at all the pics, especially of the adopted can just see the happiness they bring to their 'people'
Have gleaned lots of info from your pages as well, much appreciated and informative.looking forward to adding to our own little family this summer :)
March 01, 2012 12:57:27 PM -

I love your site! We just purchased a schnauzer puppy before Christmas, her name is Zoey. I was searching for a site that would give me complete information on the breed without trying to sell me something to get the information I was looking for and your site fit the bill, so thank you for being a devoted breeder who really cares about their dogs!
February 23, 2012 7:17:48 AM - Virginia Beach, VA USA

Norman Heath
Thank you for a great site! I have been feeding Royal Canin Miniature Schnauzer 25. My dog has very dry flakey skin, so I have been considering a change. Your site was very helpful.
February 20, 2012 7:21:16 PM - Knoxville, Tn

I love schnauzer so mush.
February 07, 2012 2:23:47 PM -

Just like to say thank you very much for putting together and sharing your knowledge. I've really enjoyed surfing your website.

Best wishes
February 01, 2012 10:00:42 AM - Poland

Marie Édith
Love your site. Beautiful pics. Lots of relevant information.
I am the parent of Frenchy, a 2 year old rescue miniature Schnauzer from Louisiana, and Whisky, an 8 year old rescue Airedale form Quebec City.
January 25, 2012 1:49:22 AM - Valcartier, QC

Edward Gordon
Thanks for providing hours of fun watching your puppy video's. your site is wonderfull.Its a Schnauzer pup for us two newly retired people when we come back our holidays.
January 17, 2012 8:01:44 AM -

Louise Ayre
What a truly amazing website !!! Your dogs are just fantastic and I am very impressed by your dedication towards and love for the breed.
My step-Grandmother was the proud owner of a Mini Schnauzer(Bonzo) and he was a very well loved member of our family.
We are heading up to PEI in July 2012 and would love to come and visit you all as we are considering adding a mini Schnauzer to our family. :)
January 16, 2012 5:45:58 PM - Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia

Kathy Martin
I am now the proud owner of my fourth Mini Schnauzer! I got him for Christmas. His name is Peyton Apollo. I'm enjoying your website and have found it very helpful! Thanks!
December 31, 2011 9:08:40 AM - Wadsworth, OH USA

Jacqueline A.
It is so wonderful to see and read of such love and compassion for this breed. Keep up the good work. I just adore the Mini Schnauzer! We loved our furry friend for 18 years. And now miss him.
So enjoyed your videos!
December 28, 2011 7:52:51 PM - Sask., Canada

Kristen Fulsom
Hello! I just wanted to say thank you for sharing all of this wonderful and knowledgable information about the breed! I have a lovely three year old black mini schnauzer named Tux and I am sure he will appreciate all of the new tips I picked up here as far as types of food to try.
Happy holidays.
December 24, 2011 1:48:25 AM - BC, Canada

Nancy MacNevin-Godsoe
I loved your website and your beautiful dogs. We were recently devastated by the loss of our 12 year old salt and pepper mini schnauzer/west highland terrier cross (he looked like a schnauzer with a westie tail), Sprite. His favourite place was the beach in PEI. We plan on being owned by another schnauzer when we retire in 2013. Would love one of your dogs and to visit next summer when I'm in PEI.
December 17, 2011 9:21:50 PM - Ottawa, ON, Canada

Lisa Vargas
Thank you for the wonderful information on grooming my minischnauzer mix. It definitely cleared stuff up for me!
December 13, 2011 4:31:56 PM - Corpus Christi, Texas

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 Home Our Girls Our Boys Pups available Foster Program Puppy pictures Photo gallery Adopted pups Breed Information.. History, FCI standard, Temperament, Health issues, Dewclaws, Tail docking, Ear cropping Nutrition information for the miniature schnauzer Grooming House training.. General training, Training for working owners. Training.. Clicker training, Bite inhibition, Electronic/Shock collars, Positive training, Barking, Chewing, Training class disasters! Socialization.. Children and puppies.. Toys Accomplishments.. Conformation, Agility, and Therapy dogs Retireddogs Rescueddogs Safety.. Pick-up trucks, Invisible fencing, Beach days, Life saving tips. Links Rainbow bridge.. Poems and tributes

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