Ykelenstam's Kausin A Komotion, aka Motion. And cause a stir of happy comotion she did. :-) She was always a very active busy girl, making herself the center of everything, and none too quietly either! She loved everyone but was more a daddy's girl while she owned and loved us. After raising two beautiful litters for us as a perfect mom, she was spayed and retired. She has gone to live in her new forever home, with a very nice family who also have her now adult son Homer from her first litter, as well as our Kizmet, and another previous male puppy from us who is all grown up now, Oskar. Things sure are quieter around here with Motion gone.....and we sure do miss the nutty little girl, but admit that as much as we love and spoil our babies, she is bound to be far more spoiled in her family of just four minis where she undoubtedly now has taken over and rules the roost. Look for more pics and info about all the dogs in this mini family on the adopted puppies page. :-)